The Expert

People buy from people they know, like and trust. I found that it’s easy to get people to know like and trust you, when you are honest, funny, and genuine.

It took me years to build a personal brand. I made bad videos that no one watched. It was humbling. But eventually I figured it out and now I’m getting over 250,000 views a month without posting.

During they last 5 years I have been building brands with authentic, organic content. I don’t use paid ads and I don’t try to go viral. It’s all about creating helpful content that connects with your tribe.

I tell your story

I tell your story

my goal

“Help Local Business Owners Get More Views, Leads, and Sales with engaging content that builds a relationship.”

Views Every Year
Emails Added Each Month
New Fans Every Year

I do all of this without ads

Topics I Care About

I talk about topics that I know a lot about. These topics are easy for me to talk about so it doesn’t feel like work.

It’s easy to make this content.

Organic Search Value

I provide answers to common questions in my niche. My potential viewers are actively looking for these answers.

Videos will get views over time.

Have Fun With It

I have fun with the content and it allows me to showcase my personality. Doing it this way builds trust with my tribe and makes them like me.

Bottom Line: It’s Fun!

How can I help?

See my Services

I only work with serious business owners.

See If It’s a Fit